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  • Fredrik



    Simply Sync Password

    Can the password sync client be installed on each client PC

    Problem is domain connected laptops that not ever or seldom connect to the domain. When a password change is required and applied on the domain (from a webform OWA etc) the new password is not set on the laptop and the user still needs to logon to the laptop with cached old credentials. Question is if your client part can be installed there and somehow make sure the password is syncronized from the laptop and up (requering the password change to be initiated on the disconnected laptop) Or if you have a better solution to the problem

  • Support



    RE: Can the password sync client be installed on each client PC

    The Simply Password sync client capture new password from source domain controller, thus the sync'ing should work as far as password client is installed in domain controller.
    laptop should be connected to domain controller to use new password, thus cached old password will be flushed.

    the following is the sequence to sync password.

    laptop (password change) -> domain controller which is connected by laptop -> pwsync client -> pwsync server on target domain.

    OWA (password change) -> dommain controll which is connected by CAS server -> pwsync client -> pwsync server on target domain